Weekly Devotions

女人違背了神的告誡,這還沒有完。她拿起了上帝吩咐不可吃的果子,遞給了自己的丈夫。(她的至 親)。女人傳遞了一個錯誤的資訊,“你看,吃了這個果子也沒什麼問題,來,你也和我一起享受吧!” 是的,當時也沒有出現肚子不舒服、噁心,與吃其他的果子並沒有什麼區別,似乎看起來沒有任何的懲 罰和審判臨到,可是,撒旦卻已經看到了人類已經走入了墮落的深淵。...

當一個人想要欺騙你的時候,他一定向你承諾:你將會看到一個“美好”的結果!比如:渣男對女孩說,我會 把你放在我生命的首位;賭博的人拉別人下水的時候,會告訴你,我已經在短短的幾天內賺了幾萬塊;電信 詐騙的人會對你說,你把錢存在這個帳號裡,一年的利息比銀行高幾倍;我們總是想不通,為什麼那麼多人 容易被騙,甚至有很多高知識份子?實際上,是因為這些人抵擋不住誘惑。人總是想超過自己的能力範圍, 或者快速的得到“美好”的結果!在這一切誘惑面前,人無法抗拒,都是因為罪性造成的。...

為了我們付出代價,這句話聽起來那麼容易,但是如果仔細想像卻是深奧無比。我們想想,人為什麼會 感動呢?那是因為別人為自己的益處付出了一定的勞動或者代價。比如:我們在公司工作的時候犯了錯 誤,同事為你向領導求情:他這一次真的是意外,就再給他一次機會吧。領導看著認錯的我們,默默的 也負擔了帶來的經濟損失。雨天,路人給在風雨中執勤的交警送了一把傘。男朋友在寒冷的冬夜,默默 等候女朋友下班。孩子知道,父母為了自己建造了一個溫暖的家,陪伴自己長大。病人知道護士在夜班 的時候,也能隨叫隨到,醫生在手術臺上站了幾個小時,為了他能夠重新康復。國家為了老百姓能生活 的更好,嚴厲打擊犯罪,經濟調控,制定各種優民政策。----像這樣的描述,太多太多。...

為什麼耶穌睡著了?耶穌難道不害怕嗎?為什麼耶穌對待這麼恐懼的風浪,他能夠如此的平靜呢?答案 肯定是:他能夠掌控局面。人們因為失控而慌亂,因為無法改變這個讓自己恐懼的難題而焦慮。...

一個病人去看病,想病能痊癒,首先,他不能隱瞞自己的病情,如實的說出來;其次,他需要相信醫 生有能力治療他的病;最後,無論醫生給他的開藥,還是要求他做手術,他都必須順服。如若不然, 醫生治不了他的病,也只能無奈的看著這個病人受苦、甚至直到死亡。...

“Nonsense.” That’s what the apostles thought. They couldn’t believe the testimony of the women who had been to Jesus’ tomb. The stone rolled away. The tomb empty. An angel proclaiming Jesus has risen. Utter nonsense! The evidence, however, told a different story. Eventually, every detail Peter saw at the tomb supported the women’s earlier witness....

The Bible teaches a rather uncomfortable truth. It says that you and I are sinners. On this side of heaven, we’ll continue to struggle with our sinful flesh. It’s a given. But with the Holy Spirit’s power, we are daily called to engage in a holy battle. And with his help, we will be victorious. ...

When we face something particularly challenging—maybe even something painful—it may be that someone alongside us will offer us some encouragement by saying, “Come on, now. It’s mind over matter.” What they mean, of course, is that we need to block out the thoughts of any immediate difficulty or pain that we might experience. Instead, we need to set our sights on the reward we will receive when it’s all said and done. It’s a matter of focus, mind over matter. ...

When God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, Moses appeared to be insecure and unsure of himself. He openly questioned God’s choice in sending him. But, perhaps rather than saying Moses was insecure, it is more accurate to say that Moses’ security rested in the wrong place. Moses held on tightly to the security that he believed resided with his shepherd’s crook and fuzzy flock, security that he had trouble envisioning in his new calling. After all, it would take tremendous courage to confront Pharaoh. His physical well-being might be in danger. He had certainly become a very public figure with a very sizable target on his back. If he saw greater security in the fields, one can hardly fault his thinking. ...

Patrick would have had good reason to curse the Irish. Born in Scotland, he was raised as a Christian but was not very serious about his faith. He was kidnapped at the age of sixteen and enslaved in Ireland. He did hard labor for six years and got much more serious about his faith. Finally, he escaped, made his way to the coast, got a job on a ship, and returned to Scotland....