Author: admin

This chapter of the book of Ezekiel sounds like a spooky story. The Spirit of God leads the prophet Ezekiel to a valley of dry bones. But these aren’t animal bones; they’re human bones. Femurs, rib cages, vertebrae, and skulls—these bones were lifeless and dry....

If you’ve ever walked through a busy international airport terminal, you’ve been bombarded with the discord of multiple foreign languages. The words you cannot understand sound like gibberish. And when you hear your native tongue, it is a welcome relief....

Philippians 1:21, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." We are thankful for Dr. Witte's life-long testimony of faith. The livestream of the memorial service celebrating will be available, we also invite you to read his obituary and The family asks that in lieu of flowers you consider a donation to the "Steve Witte Memorial Scholarship fund.” For more information on the scholarship: ...

Dear friends, As you are aware, God, in his infinite wisdom has taken former President Steve Witte home to be with him. Two of Steve’s daughters and three granddaughters also died in the tragic fire. Our ALS family is doing all we can to support these families during this time of tragedy.We invite you to join us in supporting them through the linked fundraisers below:If you would like to support the Kuehl family -- the family of Steve and Mary's daughter Charis and granddaughter Stella ...

Dear friends and family of ALS, It is with sadness in our hearts that we wish to inform you that the Lord has taken his servant, Dr. Steve Witte out of this world of sorrows to be with him in eternal peace. Dr. Witte, along with several of his family members died tragically in a fire this weekend. Please keep his wife, Mary, and their entire family in your prayers as they mourn this loss and await a joyous resurrection. For now, we cry, but we trust that the time is coming when Jesus will wipe away every tear from our eyes. We will share funeral arrangements and other details as they become available....

Little children like to run everywhere. It doesn’t matter how short the distance. It can simply be from one side of the room to the other. The three-year-old is more than likely going to run that distance....

WELS, our partner church in America, is highlighting our Gospel work in Asia this month to all our brothers and sisters there. Pres. Jonathan Bare wrote inviting us all to join in supporting these beautiful feet that carry the Gospel to every corner of the earth...

If you’ve ever tried walking around wearing a blindfold, you know it’s not easy. Even familiar places, like your house or room, are suddenly shrouded in darkness. You gingerly take small steps with arms out in front of you, trying not to walk into anything....

WELS, our partner church in America, is highlighting our Gospel work in Asia this month to all our brothers and sisters there. Here is a prayer written by ALS Pres. Dr. Bare published on the WELS site. Thanks for praying with us!"Lord of the Church, your Spirit is working in the hearts of people across Asia to want to serve you by proclaiming...

Do you compare yourself to other people? Of course you do! When we were in school, we looked at our grades to see how we measured up with our classmates. As we got older, we compared salaries, homes, cars, vacations, etc. We go to the gym and see who is in better shape than us and who isn’t. For most of us, measuring ourselves next to others lets us know where we stand....